Wednesday 22 August 2007

What kind of Paper Money am I Collecting?

So what type of paper money have I decided to start collecting?

Actually I was going to go for just any kind of banknotes, from wherever and whenever, as well as various types of paper monies such as old cheques, stocks and bonds. But when I took a look at the price guides available and the eBay auction prices, I got a bit more realistic with my quest.

Needless to say I do not have a lot of disposable income at my disposal at this very moment. What with mortgage interest rises, and maxed out credit cards that need to be paid, I am not going to be expending a fortune on my new found love in the immediate future.

Oh no no, no impulsive expenditure on any old beautiful and enticing bank notes for now. I've decided to concentrate on collecting current worldwide banknotes, which I think I can get at face value or less. This will be my focal point for the moment.

Having said this, I am going to use the next couple of months to learn as much as I possibly can so that when the time comes, I will be knowledgeable enough to start a commendable collection.

Paper money collection
has quite a respectable range of interest, and I shall be looking into what I've learnt so far and discussing it here in the next few days.

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